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Articles in Journals

Sl.No. Title Name of Journal Date of Publication Volume No/Issue No/Page No
1 Divine Consulting Services: A sinking ship or back to land safely? Asian Case Research Journal 29-Apr-2022 26 / 01 / 101-109

Additional information

Category Case Studies
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Divine Consulting Services: A sinking ship or back to land safely?
Name of Journal Asian Case Research Journal
Volume No 26
Issue No 01
Page No 101-109
URL https://www.worldscientific.com/worldscinet/acrj
Date of Publication 29-Apr-2022

Participation in Seminars/Conferences/Symposium

Sl.No. Type of Program Role Name of Program Title of Paper Date Organising Institution Level
1 Conference Presenter International Conference on Sustainable Goals (ICSG 2.0) The Impact of CSR on Competitive advantage and Social Benefits 01/02/2025 IIM Bodh Gaya International
2 Conference Presenter COGNOSCO-11th Annual Conference on Case Studies 27-28 April 2023 To Be or Not to Be: Weighing the Options 27/04/2023 Christ University National
3 Conference Participant SHRMTech21 02/09/2021 SHRM India International
4 Symposium Presenter Emerging Trends in Global Business Environment Customer engagement Techniques Adopted By Healthcare Services 10/03/2018 St Joseph's College National
5 Symposium Presenter Emerging Trends in Global Business Enviornment Role of Social Media Marketing on the Sustainability of Start-ups 10/03/2018 St Joseph Regional
6 Symposium Presenter Emerging Trends in Global Business Enviornment Study on Consumer Preferences for Motion Pictures Marketing Techniques and Platforms 10/03/2018 St Joseph Regional
7 Conference Presenter International conference on scope of emerging business dimensions and sustainable development Impact of Advertisements and sales promotion on impulse buying behavior in physical retail outlets 08/03/2018 St. Joseph's College International
8 Conference Presenter Business Innovation for sustainability Role of celebrity endorsement in purchase decision 03/03/2018 Jain University National
9 Conference Presenter NCETB 2018-Department of Management Studies,Christ ( Deemed to be University) A study on the impact of neuromarketing techniques on consumer buying behavior with respect to the attention and retention of the marketing efforts 19/02/2018 Christ University National
10 Conference Presenter NCETB2018-Department of Management Studies, Christ ( Deemed to be University) Impact of Workspace and Emotional State on Employee Involvement with specific reference to IT Startups? 19/02/2018 Christ University National
11 Conference Presenter International Conference on Inclusive Business Growth & Sustainable Development Factors affecting consumer buying behaviour with reference to online retail units ,India 22/02/2017 KRISTU jAYANTI International
12 Conference Presenter International conference on Inclusive Business Growth & Sustainable Development Impact of Emotional Distress on Quality of work life,Higher Education ,Bengaluru 22/02/2017 Kristu Jayanti College International
13 Conference Participant International Conference on Emerging Trends in Business ICETB-2017 16/02/2017 Christ University International
14 Conference Presenter Emotional Distress and its Impact on Quality of Work Life - Christ University National
15 Participant National level conference on ?Emerging Trends in B - Christ University ,Bangalore National
16 Participant State Level Seminar on "Indian Business and Innova - Anand Institute of Business Studies Regional
17 Participant Impact of technology on business - Department of Commerce Including Business Administration, Faculty of Commerce , Maharaja Sayajirao University, Baroda Regional
18 Participant ENVISIONING INDIAN MANAGEMENT THOUGHT - D'FORUM 2010-Christ University National
19 Other Presenter The Influence of Self-perception & Self-Control on Quality of Work Life among Teachers with specific reference to Higher Education Institutions,Bangalore - Christ University International

Research Project

Sl.No. Name of the Research Project Investigator(s) Sponsors Internal/External
2 Minor Research Project on Emotional Distress on Quality of Work Life in Higher Education Institution (Submitted the final Draft) Christ University Internal
3 Capacity Building for Whole Person Education in India MAYA M, SUPARNA MAJUMDAR KAR,JIMMY THANKACHAN,MUTHU RUBEN V United Board External

Workshop/FDP/Training programme Attended

Sl.No. Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training programme Name of Oraganiser Level Date
1 Future of Education and Resetting a Continuum of Migration CEDBEC , School of Business and Management, School of Education,Christ University National 04/10/2024
2 Strategic Action Plan Meet of Christ University and Colleges on Collective strategic analysis of the present landscape in HE for shaping the future of Indian Academic Standards and Practices CEDBEC , Christ University National 08/08/2024
3 Digital Learning Playbook IIMBx National 13/04/2024
4 Faculty Development Programme on Advancing Teaching Excellence IIMBX National 12/04/2024
5 FDP on Navigating the Teaching-learning environments in Higher education Institutions CHRIST(Deemed to be University) Kengeri Campus National 05/04/2024
6 "Scaffolding Adult Learning through a Learner-Centered Approach" Teaching Learning Enhancement Cell (TLEC),CHRIST Institutional 22/02/2024
7 "Scaffolding Adult Learning through a Learner-Centered Approach" Teaching Learning Enhancement Cell (TLEC),CHRIST Institutional 22/02/2024
8 "Scaffolding Adult Learning through a Learner-Centered Approach" Teaching Learning Enhancement Cell (TLEC),CHRIST Institutional 17/02/2024
9 Outcome Based Education for Directors, Deans and HODS Teaching Learning Enhancement Cell (TLEC),CHRIST 23/04/2023
10 Capacity Building for Whole Person Education in HEI CHRIST(Deemed to be University) in support from UB for Christian Higher Education In Asia Institutional 06/03/2023
11 OBE Teaching Learning Enhancement Cell (TLEC),CHRIST Institutional 16/09/2022
12 OBE Teaching Learning Enhancement Cell (TLEC),CHRIST Institutional 13/09/2022
13 OBE Teaching Learning Enhancement Cell (TLEC),CHRIST Institutional 07/09/2022
14 OBE Teaching Learning Enhancement Cell (TLEC),CHRIST Institutional 06/09/2022
15 OBE Teaching Learning Enhancement Cell (TLEC),CHRIST Institutional 05/09/2022
16 OBE Teaching Learning Enhancement Cell (TLEC),CHRIST Institutional 02/09/2022
17 OBE Teaching Learning Enhancement Cell (TLEC),CHRIST Institutional 01/09/2022
18 OBE Teaching Learning Enhancement Cell (TLEC),CHRIST Institutional 30/08/2022
19 OBE Teaching Learning Enhancement Cell (TLEC),CHRIST Institutional 22/08/2022
20 OBE Teaching Learning Enhancement Cell (TLEC),CHRIST Institutional 13/08/2022
21 Qualitative Analysis using NVIVO Christ University, School of Business and Management National 22/03/2022
22 Qualitative Data analysis using NVIVO12 CHRIST NODAL OFFICE National 29/01/2022
23 Online workshop on Time series Analysis EDULYTIX ACADEMY National 20/12/2021
24 Neuro Linguistic Programming MindMaster National 25/10/2021
25 Case Workshop Ramaiah Institute of Management National 25/05/2021
26 FDP- Case Analysis and Discussion Madras Management Association & Case Research Society of India National 03/08/2020
27 QIP-Online Teaching Academic Staff College 22/04/2020
28 Inspiring Leadership through Emotional Intelligence Case Western Reserve University International 18/04/2020
29 Academic Staff College CHRIST( Deemed to be University) 19/05/2018
30 Case Based Teaching, writing and publication Christ Deemed to be University Institutional 11/10/2017
31 Research, Publication,Writing paper & Project proposal Department of Management Studies,Christ University 23/09/2016
32 New Paradigm in Research Department of Management,Christ University 24/05/2016
33 Faculty Development Programme on Research Methodology and Management Research Techniques Oxford College of Business Management National 25/04/2015
34 FDP Deanery of Commerce & Management ,Christ University Institutional 01/10/2013
35 Orientation programme on "New Paradigms of Academia" Christ University-Academic Staff College 22/04/2013
36 Cross Functional Decision making and Business Impact Christ University Institutional 18/03/2013


Sl.No. Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others Description Organisation Month/ Year
1 Statement of Achievement with Distinction Crafting an Effective Writer:Tools of the trade(Fundamental English Writing) Mt. San Jacinto College's online Course(Coursera) August 11, 2014
2 Others-HED Trainer HED Trainer for 1Semester-Interpersonal module Christ University,Bangalore Nov and 2014
3 Sports Day Department of Physical Education conducted Women Relay ( 4x 50 mts) CHRIST ( Deemed to be University) 08 December 2018


(Deemed to be University)

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Web: http://www. christuniversity.in




CHRIST (Deemed to be University) is a nurturing ground for an individual's holistic development to make effective contribution to the society in a dynamic environment.

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